Doji Pocket's Bits from Life

Also known as my little Hatena Hangout

Recent Doings

I'm pretty glad the first semester ended. I get a three day weekend to relax and the Internet at my mom's place stopped working.

Stupid Internet.

At least I'm at my dad's place where the Internet is always working 100% of the time. It sucks that I forgot to bring my USB drive because I wanted to post another thing I created in my Design class on my blog, which you can keep up with me here:

Crap, I wanted to start another video project this month. I've been kind of procrastinating with creating the story for it, but at least I got like 70% of it created, so I just wanted to start recording the lines before this month ends.

Also recently, I downloaded a game from eShop called Chibi Robo: Photo Finder, which is actually a pretty good game; I recommend it.

I'm pretty glad I have this blog to go to when I have nothing to post for my original blog and want to talk about whatever going on in muh life.


Hmm, what else is going on...oh yeah. My dad's trying to get me into the Lord of the Rings.