Doji Pocket's Bits from Life

Also known as my little Hatena Hangout

Almost Out

It's weird to think that in a few short months, I'm going to turn 18. I'm close to being my own person; I'm basically free to do whatever I want in the world, whether it be to start a company, go to work, laze around all day, or something. I will soon get to be out on my own.

You heard that all the time as you're growing up, that oh, "That the world's a tough place out there," "You'll soon be all on your own;" some sense like that. It's almost surreal that all that is actually going to happen very soon. You're going to experience how it's like to be an adult soon.

When you think about, "being an adult" really has no exact meaning. It's all up to you to define that phrase.